Jamie has a music management degree and worked in the music industry for a bit while studying in London.

However, he took the decision to switch careers and has worked in PR and social media since graduating university.

He works alongside the rest of our social media team to deliver incredible content for clients across the UK.

Outside of his normal working hours, Jamie has also worked as an extra while at university, so you may see him in a few music videos, TV shows and even feature films.

What is your favourite food?

I really enjoy steak, even well-done steak!

What is your favourite destination?

It is probably Florida, I went a few times when I was younger and I loved the theme parks, the weather and the food in America.

What are your interests outside of work?

I like to go out for drinks, spend time at the gym, weekends away and hanging out with my cat. I actually got my cat from an Egyptian Rescue, and I have been volunteering for the rescue in Cairo for the past 7 months.

Who do you admire most, and why?

I would probably say the people who rescue animals and run shelters while looking after them.

If you could have one wish, what would it be?

To have my own swimming pool, I would love to be able to swim every day!

Who would you most like to have dinner with?

I am going to say Taylor Swift, a huge music icon and someone I would like to chat with.

Categories: Blog