We recently saw one of the most controversial rebranding incidents in history. You will no doubt have noticed that the sweet and innocent blue bird of Twitter was unceremoniously shot down and replaced with a bright white ‘X’ on a deep black background.
You might be wondering if the rebranding strategy – vicious though it may seem – is also a viable move for your business.
But any rebrand must be calculated before enacted. Rebranding in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, can cripple a business and damage customer relations.
In some instances, however, redesigning the public face of your business can be a revitalisation of your public image.
Most businesses have serious concerns about redesigning their public appearance.
It’s understandable, rebranding can be a daunting and fear-inducing task.
On top of this, rebranding is not a quick process. It can take months (or even years) of research and brainstorming to develop an effective new image in the eyes of your employees, clients and customers.
Five signs you need to rebrand
Knowing when (and if) to rebrand is a crucial part of maintaining and growing your business image.
- Disassociating from a negative perception:
This is the reason Twitter is now called ‘X’.
Elon clearly wanted a clean break from the past – and killing the blue bird was the quickest way to achieve this objective.
In the same way, if your business has a considerably negative image in the eyes of your customers and clients, it might be time to cut ties with a previous image and create a new one.
Marketing strategies – offered by JE Consulting – can help rebuild your customer-facing image in the time of an image crisis.
- Your brand vison has changed:
Over time, your business may have grown out of your original branding. You may even have changed the fundamental business strategy since its founding, so it no longer offers the same services.
If your company’s branding no longer reflects the ethics, morals and vison of the business, it may be time to reconsider your look.
If your name no longer represents the business, your branding may need a revisit.
- Your website needs fixing:
Your website, as one of the first places potential customers visit, is a vitally important piece of your branding.
At JE Consulting, we ensure that all our clients have aesthetically beautiful, and perfectly functioning websites, because we know they are an essential part of marketing success.
Your brand is only as strong as the marketing that accompanies it, and the functionality of your website is a huge part of that.
- Your target audience has changed:
As your business changes, so does your audience.
The key to a successful brand is positioning in the market. The first step to this is understanding your target audience.
A rebranding may be in order to reflect the new clients you are targeting and to reposition yourself amongst your competitors.
- Your customers cannot distinguish your brand from your competition:
A successful brand is one that stands out from all the others.
If you provide a unique and valuable service to your clients but your brand is indistinguishable from them, you won’t get a chance to demonstrate your inherent value.
This is where a rebranding campaign, carefully designed by a marketing agency, can be the difference between a business’ success and failure.
To find out how JE Consulting can help you design and redesign your brand, contact us today!